Mr. Fúchila

Art Direction / Design

Latina Equal Pay Day 2022


Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley


Art Direction




Did you know that it takes a Latina 23 months to earn what a White man earns in 12 months? LCSV is working to bring awareness to this wage gap and the impact it has on our families.

I was commissioned to design a commemorative poster for LCSV's Latina Equal Pay Day press conference and rally, December 8, 2022.

The only constraint I had was a 48-hr turnaround time. Luckily, I was given creative freedom with the single request being that I incorporate the tagline "When we uplift Latinas, we uplift entire familias!" The executive team liked my take on the tagline and approved the work below.

About Latina Equal Pay Day

On average Latinas lose out on $1,864,120 over a 40 year career when compared to a white man. Although in California, Latinas make 42 cents for every dollar that a White man makes, Latinas living in Silicon Valley are experiencing even more inequity as they earn 33.5 cents for every dollar that a White man earns.

If progress continues at the same rate as it has since 1985, Latinas will not reach equal pay with White non-Hispanic men for another 185 years, or until 2206. (IPWR)

Web and Social Media

Commemorative Posters

